Dr. Veronica Goodchild, PhD
From Earth to The Stars:
Crop Circles, UFOs, and Our Multidimensional Nature
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Veronica Goodchild, Ph.D., is an Emerita Professor, Author, Jungian psychotherapist, and Pilgrimage Leader. She has been interested in our star heritage since the 1980s when she began work with an indigenous wisdom keeper, and during that time had a UFO encounter. At the same time, she feels the necessity for a deep connection with the earth since the appearance of crop circles together with our environmental crises.
Her travels to the sacred places of the earth, most recently to Egypt, have strengthened these planetary and galactic interests which seem to invite the exploration of a much vaster vision for our world, mirrored also in Quantum Physics. Dreams and visions have always been a key part of these interests.
Veronica's book, Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century, explores in greater depth what she calls the 'signatures' — crop circles, UFO phenomena, and other 'anomalous,' subtle experiences — of the approaching age of Aquarius.
You can learn more about Dr. Veronica’s work at: http://www.veronicagoodchild.com/wordpress/
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