Dr. Tayria Ward, PhD

The Universe Inside Your Heart

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Tayria Ward, Ph.D., lives in Asheville, North Carolina, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological, and spiritual guidance to clients from all parts of the world.

Tayria has worked intensively with her own and other peoples’ dreams for more than 45 years, and for nearly 30 years, has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being.

She has conducted a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium since early 2017 wherein persons from all over the world come to share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind.

Tayria conducts retreats and vision quests, teaches online courses, and teaches to a wide audience in regular interviews and lectures. She also offers private oracular readings upon request.

You can learn more about Dr. Tayria’s work at: https://tayriaward.com

Dr. Tayria’s Free Gift to You:

1) Dreams as Guides for Being Nobody But Yourself ~ An interview with Tayria Ward, Ph.D., by Helena Grant.

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2) Sign up for Tayria’s newsletter if you would like to be informed of upcoming inspiring events (usually no more than a couple of emails per month).

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3) Learn more and register to attend FREE monthly Global Community Dream Symposium events with Tayria and Jocelyn Star Feather!

CLICK HERE to learn more and register!

4) Enjoy this free course called Dreams of the Night, created by the United Palace of the Spiritual Arts.

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