Swami Sivamurti Saraswati

Yogic Tools for Total Health

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Swami Sivamurti Saraswati was born and raised in Australia.

In 1975, she travelled to India where she met her Guru Sri Swami Satyananda Saraswati at the Bihar School of Yoga in Munger and she was initiated into the Dashnami order of  Sannyasa after receiving training on various branches of yoga and the tradition of Sannyasa.

He gave her the mandate to bring the teachings of Satyananda yoga to Greece upon which she established three Satyananda Yoga Meditation centres and the first residential ashram of its kind then in Europe, which was inaugurated by Sri Swami Satyananda in 1985.

Over the next four decades, she guided the establishment of numerous independent centres all over Greece, and the training of hundreds of yoga teachers in the Satyananda system of yoga.

She also established:

  • Satyananda Math in 1991(a charitable organization)

  • An Association of Greek Yoga teachers trained in the Satyananda system of yoga to connect them to the Parampara and to the source of the teachings, the Bihar School of Yoga, India

  • A Federation of Satyananda Yoga centers

She is a Yoga Acharya (Master of Yoga), a member of the governing body of the Satyananda Yoga Academy Europe, and a member of the Yoga Vidya Council, India.

She has travelled extensively throughout Greece and abroad, giving yoga seminars and authoring many books on Satyananda yoga.

Her latest book, In His Footsteps, is a culmination of her life’s work as a disciple and sannyasin and is a tribute to her Guru’s life and teachings.

You can learn more about Swami Sivamurti’s work at: https://satyanandayoga.gr/en

Swami Sivamurti’s Free Gift to You:

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2) One long weekend residential Ashram/Yogic Lifestyle Experience in Satyanandashram Hellas.

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