Simone Wright
Metaphysical Fitness:
Generating the Power to Accept Your Good
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Simone Wright is an internationally-respected authority on Mysticism, Metaphysics, Intuition, and Evolutionary Creativity. Steeped in a lifetime of Mystical experience and inquiry, Simone brings a clear, down-to-earth and often humorous perspective to the concepts of Consciousness, Spiritual Evolution, and Transformation.
With the intention of ‘knocking the fluff’ off of many of the concepts of the New Age, Simone grounds her teaching in ancient Mystical concepts and philosophies to bring greater Peace, Power, and Potency to our Spiritual Adventure. She has used her skills to assist law enforcement in missing children’s’ cases and other criminal investigations. Her groundbreaking Intuition training program, First Intelligence, has helped people from all walks of life tap into their Intuitive power and through her Mastery Coaching, she has assisted people from around the world to step into their authentic Spiritual power and begin to walk the path of the Modern Mystic with greater Strength, Courage, and Mastery.
She is a teacher who walks her talk and has put these principles to work in her own life to shape her own globally respected business and to become the highest-selling artist of her kind in the world.
You can learn more about Simone’s work at:
Simone’s Free Gift to You:
Mirrors, Movies and Mansions:
Refining Your Relationship with Reality
This super powerful 90-minute webinar will help you dissolve resistance, open aperture, and generate flow by giving you:
#1. Three super clear analogies to how reality is created and how you fit into that equation
#2. What we need to be aware of if we find ourselves in a reality that doesn't please us
#3. How to shift our position without creating resistance so that we can move back into alignment more quickly than ever before ... And much more!
CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!
** Exciting Announcement! **
For a limited time, Simone is offering attendees special pricing for her Meta-Physical Fitness masterclass.
CLICK HERE to learn more and register at the special discounted rate (limited-time offer)!