Sanni Pääkkönen
The Medicine of Frequency, Multidimensional Cellular Healing, & Transcended Human Being
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Sanni Pääkkönen is a seer, frequency facilitator, and light field technician with an extraordinary gift to bring forth profound transformation and healing. She guides you to release repeating distorting patterns from your DNA, mind, and soul to calibrate your physical reality, relationships, work, and health into the most coherent expression.
Sanni walks in close fellowship with Living God — beyond any human-made dogma, sourcing solutions from Eternal reality. She is known as an inspirational speaker with a prophetic gift, a loving teacher, and an efficient facilitator who leads by example, blows purpose in your sails, and catalyzes the pure potential in you.
Sanni is deeply studied in metaphysics and the mechanics of physical manifestation with 14+ years of experience working with conscious embodiment practices, healing arts, and energy work. She has experienced a series of awakenings each deepening her into Eternal Truth and pulling her out of the deceptive templates of the "false light". Somatic Frequency Work is a fully-matured fruit of her life work that weaves the science and Spirit together to uncover the most important thing: to know your Spirit intimately and embody it fully to serve the Eternal Purpose.
You can learn more about Sanni’s work at:
Sanni’s Free Gift to You:
1) Cellular Healing Hour — A 60-minute Live Frequency Session for multidimensional renewal on February 11th, 2023.
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2) DEMYSTIFY — A 90-minute recorded Frequency Webinar & Calibration ~ Increase intimate awareness of the frequencies you generate in your life and how it shapes your future from the present.
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