Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, PhD

The Revolution of Healing, ReGENEration, and Bio-Hacking Our Way to Hyper-Health

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Born to genius scientists who specialized in Engineering Physics, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has taught holistic health for over four decades and invented the first effective “Scalar Healing Light Chamber” in 1978 in her Salon of Health.

Dr. Michael’s lifelong, award-winning work in Applied Integrative Biophysics has earned prestigious recognition worldwide. She has been invited to lecture at the United Nations, MIT, the World Health Summit, the Harvard Club, London’s Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, as well as numerous other medical schools and Ministries of Health.

Knighted for her humanitarian service, Dame Dr. Michael has served on the board of the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines and as a Commissioner for the International Tribunal for Natural Justice.

Dr. Michael is featured globally in a variety of books, newspapers, and journal articles, including a peer-reviewed study conducted by the University of Hawaii on seizure disorder in autism along with columns in the Wall Street Journal and the Beverly Hills Times.

Her True Bio-Scalar EESystem Technology has been broadcasted widely on radio and television and can be seen featured on CNN, Fox News, and The Doctors. Additionally, this technology received its own highlight within the full-length film titled The Grand Self.

You can learn more about Dr. Sandra Rose’s work at:

Applied Integrative Bio-Physics: The Future of Medicine course:

Dr. Sandra Rose’s Free Gift to You:

1) EE-System Healing Transmission

Experience a 1-hour EESystem Healing Transmission to assist you in accessing deeper portions of yourself.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!

** Important Note: Scroll down to the section titled “EESYSTEM TRANSMISSIONS” to locate the free Healing Transmission **

2) A Healing Meditation

This meditation is great to use in the EESystem. Dr. Sandra Rose recommends putting it on at night as you go to bed to work in your sleep, as the subconscious mind and your super-conscious self never sleep.

CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!