Dakini Kali Widd

How Our Souls Can Lead Us to Healing the Deep Split Within Human Consciousness

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Dakini Kali Widd is like the multi-armed Hindu goddess of her spiritual namesake, juggling many skills and interests — however the golden thread throughout all of them is a deep, abiding calling to awakened, embodied, non-dual Tantra.

Kali’s own healing came about through the balancing and integration of extreme polarities, which manifested in the body as endometriosis, and in the mind as bipolar disorder — both of whose cause and cure are considered mystifying by the medical fraternity.

Kali’s spiritual soul quest took her on a long, dark journey of the soul, with many initiations and deaths along the way, yet here she stands, healed and whole, and ready to share her story and support all those who find too themselves divided, split, polarised and lost.

In retrospect, she recognizes how her soul prepared her for her path and purpose, and how everything is indeed perfect from the perspective of the soul.

Kali is a Dakini, BlissDance Teacher, and Cuddle Party Facilitator, as well as the founder of the Red Tent movement for women in South Africa. Her mission is to contribute to the awakening of the deep, mature feminine and masculine consciousness in all beings — unified, harmonized, and balanced within our hearts in order to birth the New Earth.

You can learn more about Kali’s work at: https://www.dakinikali.com

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