Jeffrey Stegman & Clayten Stedmann
High-Consciousness Fields & Human Evolution
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Jeffrey Stegman and Clayten Stedmann are co-founders of Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE), a business based in British Columbia, Canada, offering the activation and maintenance of supportive high-consciousness fields for home and business.
Clayten has over 25 years of experience as a personal and business coach specializing in Business as a Spiritual Path and has spent 15 years developing the FLFE consciousness technology. He is a student of the body of work of Dr. David Hawkins with an emphasis on the use of Consciousness Kinesiology and its various applications. Clayten has completed more than 9.2 million kinesiology calibrations (as of 11/17/2022) in the exploration of consciousness and non-linear healing technologies, including the research and development of FLFE with Jeffrey.
Jeffrey has a biological science background and he has over 40 years of experience in manufacturing, engineering, and product development, as well as 13 years developing the FLFE consciousness technology with Clayten. He has focused on creating a high-consciousness culture in his businesses and considers business and the exploration of the science frontiers bridging modern science to spirituality and to energetic healing modalities as part of his spiritual path.
Jeffrey’s science background and Clayten’s kinesiology expertise have led to an evidence-based approach to the FLFE high consciousness fields and the measurable benefits, including plant growth, EMF mitigation for people sensitive to EMFs, and numerous other benefits such as improved sleep, deeper meditations, and improved relationships.
You can learn more about Jeffrey & Clayten’s work at:
Jeffrey & Clayten’s Free Gift to You:
We invite you to visit the Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) website and try the 15-day free trial of the FLFE high-consciousness field service. (There is no credit card needed.) You can experiment with controls in the Customer Portal to turn the level of consciousness up, pause the EMF Mitigation, and see how you feel!
CLICK HERE to claim this free gift!