Jason Shurka

Understanding the Mechanism of Consciousness:
Taking Steps to Transform Your Life

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Real-estate investor turned spiritual entrepreneur and humanitarian, Jason Shurka has propelled onto the scene with his new endeavor, UNIFYD.

Jason’s life took a dramatic turn in 2018 when he was approached by a man from an undercover organization known as “The Light System” (TLS for short). Since his encounter, Jason has been tasked with releasing a document known as “The Pyramid Code”, which details why and how the Pyramids were actually built and by whom. He has slowly been given information from members of TLS over the past 3 years, which he releases to the public through a free series he created called DISCLOSURE.

The series is a filmed interview between Jason and the man who approached him in 2018, who goes by the cover name “Ray”, and details an array of topics such as secret government projects, current events, high (and suppressed) technology, natural ways of healing the body through energy, extraterrestrial life, spiritual aspects of life and so much more. The latest DISCLOSURE interview is with a female representative from the organization and was released on October 10th, 2022.

On top of DISCLOSURE, Jason has written three (almost four) books, recorded media interviews with Coast to Coast AM radio with George Noory, appeared in two episodes on GAIA, and started his own censorship-free social media and video-streaming company called UNIFYD.

Jason is dedicated to educating the masses about expanding one’s consciousness through awareness on all levels of being.

You can learn more about Jason’s work at:

Jason’s Free Gift to You:

Please visit Jason’s websites to learn more about his work!
